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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Master in

Environmental Management of Mountain Areas

This double degree programme focuses on sustainable landscape development as well as ecosystem and agro-ecosystem management in mountain areas.

Course description

Our programme is highly interdisciplinary and it is offered in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck (Austria). Both universities contribute their expertise in an integrative way to ecological, engineering and socio-economic perspectives of mountain landscape management.

The programme takes advantage of the particular location of the partner universities in the Central Alps and includes both student and teacher mobility between the two countries. Courses will be taught by lecturers from both universities.

Go to the admission information

Online Info Sessions

We offer online information sessions in the coming months during which the master programme will be presented and where interested students can address their questions to professors and students. The Info Sessions take place on the following days:

  • Wednesday, 16 April 2025, 18:00 (CET): register here

Courses will definetely be starting

At a glance

Degree class: LM-73
ECTS credits: 120
Duration of the course: 2 years
Courses will be taught in English
Places available: 40 EU + 5 non-EU
Campus: Bozen-Bolzano and Innsbruck
Tuition fees: ca. €1200 per year

Structure of the course

The first year must be completed at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and is organised in compulsory core courses (60 ECTS) for all students divided between the two semesters.

The second year at the University of Innsbruck, with one compulsory module and several elective modules, gives students the possibility to focus on environmental and resource management, nature protection, landscape ecology and planning, agriculture as well as water management in mountain areas.

Students work in interdisciplinary teams to carry out scientific research that is result-oriented, focused on targets and related to their Master dissertation project.

In the study plan you can find the partner university of the courses of your interest. In the course offering instead you can find the course descriptions.


Degree Course Director: Prof. Roberto Tognetti
Student Representative in the Course Council: Jennifer Lüdtke

Exchange programmes and internships

We offer exchange programmes with partner universities all over the world.
This study programme does not involve a compulsory internship. You can still choose to carry out a voluntary internship and choose from the long list of Italian and foreign businesses the University of Bozen is partnered with. Periods abroad elsewhere for carrying out the thesis work can be arranged as well.

Career opportunities

The interdisciplinary and research-oriented master programme opens up a wide range of occupational opportunities for graduates all over the world, in particular environmental assessment, monitoring and management of protected areas, project planning and Eco-certification in the fields of agriculture and forestry, analysis and natural hazard assessment of hydrogeological origin, and elaboration of development plans of agricultural mountain areas, as well as various scientific careers.

Well prepared and ready for the job market. On the website of AlmaLaurea you can check statistical data about graduates’ satisfaction and their employability.

Go to the survey (in Italian)

Nadia Überegger

Agricultural technician, Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Laimburg

What particularly inspired me about this programme was its practical orientation. I decided to study in South Tyrol in order to have a stronger connection to local issues, which was made possible, for example, by the numerous excursions and the development of projects in direct contact with conventional and organic farms and cooperatives.


studying at unibz

Studying at unibz

Living in South Tyrol, Housing, Scholarships, Single Subject Courses and more

International applicants 3

Coming to unibz from Abroad

Everything you need to know as a degree-seeking applicant or as an incoming exchange student

Campus Tours

Book an appointment with our Student Ambassadors and get the opportunity to visit the Bozen-Bolzano campus or the NOI Techpark Bozen-Bolzano campus (Faculty of Engineering) and gain an insight into your future student life. 

The visits will take place from 3 March to 30 May 2025 from Monday to Friday in the afternoon.

We offer 60-minute slots every day, which you can book directly online here: unibz Campus Tours | Bozen-Bolzano.

Each individual appointment includes:

  • an advice session with a Student Ambassador,
  • a guided tour of the campus (library, Aula Magna, laboratories, canteen, workshops...)

Application and Admission

You can find all you need to know in order to apply and gain admission to this study programme by browsing through the information below.

Early Bird Application

Application: 03/03 - 06/05/2025 (by noon local time)
Language exams (online): 17/03/2025 (registration: 03 – 09/03/2025) and 16 - 17 and 22 - 23/04/2025 (registration: 24/03 – 08/04/2025)
Publication of ranking lists: by 27/05/2025
Payment of the 1st instalment of the tuition fees: by 05/06/2025 (by noon local time)
Enrolment: from 11/07 - 14/10/2025 (by noon local time) 

Late Application (only for EU citizens)

Application: 28/05 - 21/08/2025 (by noon local time)
Language exams (online): 23 - 27/06/2025 (registration: 28/05 – 15/06/2025) and 28/07/2025 (registration: 11 – 20/07/2025)
Publication of ranking lists: by 04/09/2025
Payment of the 1st instalment of the tuition fees: by 12/09/2025 (by noon local time)
Enrolment: from publication of the ranking list until 14/10/2025 (by noon local time) 

Additional Application Session (only for EU citizens)

The faculty can open additional application sessions for single study programmes in August and in September if there are available places. More information on additional sessions will be published in due course.

Preparatory courses and Freshers Days

Intensive language courses: 01 - 19/09/2025 (Monday to Friday, 6 h/day)
Freshers Days: 29 - 30/09/2025

1st semester

Classes: 29/09 - 23/12/2025
Exams (extraordinary session): 11 - 23/12/2025
Holidays: 24/12/2025 - 06/01/2026
Classes: 07 - 24/01/2026
Exams: 26/01 - 21/02/2026

2nd semester

Classes: 02/03 - 02/04/2026
Holidays: 03 - 06/04/2026
Classes: 07/04 - 13/06/2026
Exams (extraordinary session): 14 - 23/05/2026
Exams: 15/06 - 11/07/2026

Autumn session

Exams: 24/08 - 26/09/2026

The Advisory Service provides support regarding your choice of study. In many cases a simple call or a short request is enough to get the relevant information (Tel. +39 0471 012100).

Study Course Page - Common Links - Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences

Request info