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10 CP
5 CP Mathematics for Agriculture and Forestry
5 CP Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
5 CP Principles of Botany
5 CP Anatomy, Physiology and Animal Genetics
5 CP
9 CP
6 CP Fundamentals of Physics and Engineering
3 CP Topography and Digital Cartography
1 CP
5 CP Agricultural Ecology and Principles of Plant Production
5 CP Plant Genetics
5 CP Fundamentals of Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Policy
5 CP Agricultural and Forestry Business Administration and Finance
5 CP Animal Nutrition and Husbandry
5 CP Grassland Farming
7 CP
6 CP
5 CP Agricultural and Forest Entomology
5 CP Phytopathology
5 CP Hydrology and Hydraulics
5 CP Integrated Laboratory of Design and Evaluation of Irrigation Systems
5 CP Management of Plant Diseases
5 CP Sustainable Control of Pests
5 CP Animal Breeding and Methods for Sustainable Livestock Farming
5 CP Arable, Vegetable and Specialty Crops
* Study pathsDuring the 3rd year of studies students have to choose between one of the following paths.
** Free choice courses Students can choose free choice courses both internally as well as externally.