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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Research assistants (AR)

Anne-Laure Marine Argentin

Short bio

Currently researcher at the University of Bozen-Bolzano on hydrology modeling and sediment transport simulation.
I graduated as an engineering student in geosciences (ENSG Nancy) specialized in numerical geology (C++ programming focus, Finite Element Method ...) and subsurface modeling. I carried out my PhD at the University of Salzburg, Austria on landslide dam formation, then went on to a 1-year postdoc at the University of Michigan, USA on landslides and landscape evolution.

Main Research Areas

Earth Surface Processes: Study of the erosion and sediment transport processes happening at the Earth surface. I analyze topographic datasets, simulate erosion and hydrological regimes, and model sediment transport under climate change.

Natural Hazards: Analyze of the risks originating from natural phenomenons. I simulate landslide and investigate the formation of landslide-dammed lakes and their impact on the river network.

3D Geomodeling: Modeling of subsurface geology using geomodeling software and development of algorithms for those software. I specialized in the structural modeling of the Pyrenees and in the simulation of fault networks and means to take into account branching uncertainty.


I am currently proposing a Master's thesis subject on the impact of global warming on bedload sediment availability in the Arolla valley. Please contact me for further details if interested.

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