Event type On-site Event
LocationRoom BX A2.50 | Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16
Location Information
Departments EDU Faculty
Contact Gianeselli Irene
24 Mar - 28 Mar 2025
Yoga proben week - Enhance your well-being
The event is aimed at students of unibz and offers practical workshops and an international conference featuring world-renowned experts.
Event type On-site Event
LocationRoom BX A2.50 | Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16
Location Information
Departments EDU Faculty
Contact Gianeselli Irene
PROBEN Yoga Week is part of the PROBEN project, an initiative funded by the MUR and coordinated by the Faculty of Education of Bressanone. Its goal is to promote the psycho-physical well-being of university students through practices that help manage stress and emotions, thus improving both academic and personal quality of life.
Rosa Giuffre, Vice Presidente della Federazione Italiana Yoga
Laura La Rosa, Segretaria Sarva Yoga International
Elena Tuti, Rappresentante Federazione Italiana Yoga del Trentino Alto Adige
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