Event type On-site Event
LocationRoom BX A0.50 | Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16
Location Information
Departments EDU Faculty
Contact Francesca Berti
09 Oct - 10 Oct 2025
“School as a Playful Space – Schule als Spielraum – Scuola Spazio Ludico” 2nd Edition
The conference aims to provide a framework for the exchange of theories, research findings and experiences in the field of play-based learning, with a specific focus on primary schools.
Event type On-site Event
LocationRoom BX A0.50 | Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16
Location Information
Departments EDU Faculty
Contact Francesca Berti
The international conference "School as a Playful Space", in its second edition, aims to provide a framework for sharing theories, research findings and experiences in the field of Play-based Learning, with a specific focus on primary school.
Play-based Learning is considered here as an overarching framework for a range of experiences, spanning from free play to Teaching and Learning Games. The idea is to reflect together on play as a conceptual parenthesis for a future-oriented primary school education and all-day education.
We, therefore, consider both the dimensions of play and playfulness (Dewey) and aspects related to children's well-being, social relations, friendships, as well as play as a social practice. The focus is on the relation between learning/knowledge, body, emotions and materiality.
Following on from the first edition of the conference, we wish to explore the various dimensions of play in primary school and all-day education, with regard to the implementation of a child-oriented, inclusive education. In concrete terms, play will be reflected upon in relation to:
- playfulness
- participation
- embodied learning
- institutional structures (time and space)
- children's play cultures
- citizenship education
- teachers' professionalism, teachers' qualification
Any contribution inspired by these aspects and seeking to apply them to the question of the potential for the relationship between play and primary school is welcome.
Scientific Committee:
- Dr. Francesca Berti
- Prof. Dr. Simone Seitz
Scientific contributions may be proposed in English, Italian or German, in the forms of presentation (30 min.) or workshop (60 min.). Please note that contributions in English, especially concerning workshops, are warmly welcomed.
The Keynotes will be announced by Spring 2025. Keynotes contributions will be in English.
Abstracts in English, of approximately 500 words + bibliography + a short biography must be sent by
30 March 2025 to: spielraum@unibz.it
Selected contributions will be announced by 28 Mai 2024.
The conference fee is 120 €.
A conference volume in Open Access will follow.