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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Banner Per-Forming Spaces

Event type On-site Event

Location Room BZ F6.00 University Club | Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments DES Faculty

30 Nov 2023 09:00-18:00

Per - Forming Spaces

On Designing Phygital Narratives within the Cultural Heritage Ecosystem

Event type On-site Event

Location Room BZ F6.00 University Club | Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments DES Faculty

With: Lisa Moren (University of Maryland, US), Lins Derry & Dario Rodighiero (mataLAB Harvard, Us), Marco Borsotti, Davide Spallazzo, Raffealla Trocchianesi (PoliMi, It), Andrea Resmini (Halmstad University, Se), Nicolò Ceccarelli (UniSs, It), Felix Christian-Mayer (Costa Compagnie, De), Claire Bailey Ross (University of Portsmouth, Uk), Elena Canadelli (UniPd, It), Roberto Gigliotti and Letizia Bollini (unibz, It).

Amid the phygital turn, a pivotal confluence of physical and digital domains, this symposium delves into the profound transformations impacting cultural experiences, design paradigms, and the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage. The synergy of technology and the human body has redefined our engagement with the world, replacing passive screen-based interactions with dynamic, sensory-rich encounters. Designers face the challenge of crafting interfaces that embrace acoustic, visual, haptic, and tangible stimuli, emphasizing the choreography of potential interactions. In the realm of cultural heritage, this evolution ushers in human-centered, participatory and prosthetic use of technology in an ecosystemic interaction, claiming the urge of a new era that reshape the boundaries of human experiences within the cultural heritage realm.