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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

People in the chair circle and red chair

No more violence against women

Event series "No More Violence against Women", organised on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November)

Lectures, seminars, video documentaries, exhibitions and performances will take place in the campus in Bozen/Bolzano and Brixen/Bressanone from 23 November to 10 December 2023

Program Flyer


23 Nov - 10 Dec 2023

Sie würde nicht wollen, dass so über sie gesprochen wird

Gespräche mit Angehörigen der Opfer von Femiziden
Videodokumentation auf Deutsch mit English subtitles

23 Nov - 04 Dec 2023

TraumAkörper - Video

Videoinstallation in deutscher Sprache mit englischen Untertiteln, am Campus Brixen, 2. Stock, Open Space

23 Nov - 04 Dec 2023

Conversations between feminists: on roses and thorns

The exhibition is the result of a 10-week ethnographic fieldwork carried out in — an emergency shelter for women survivors of domestic violence.

23 Nov 2023 16:00-17:00

Entscheiden (=decidi)

Performance di Nicola Benussi e della compagnia di in lingua tedesca e italiana

27 Nov 2023 10:00-12:00

Us women: Visual art for social change

The participatory seminar will address how the artist Giada Avi uses aesthetics and visual art to create experimental storytelling

28 Nov 2023 14:00-15:00

Violenza di genere: fattori economici e sociali

Lezione aperta tenuta da Prof. Mirco Tonin sulla violenza di genere e sui fattori economici e sociali a cui è collegata

29 Nov 2023 14:00-16:00

Le radici della violenza di genere da una prospettiva socio-antropologica

Lezione aperta tenuta da Marina della Rocca sugli elementi strutturali determinanti della violenza di genere con uno sguardo socio-antropologico

30 Nov 2023 16:00-18:00

Violenza di genere e tutela penale. Problematiche e prospettive

Negli ultimi anni la tutela penale dalla violenza di genere sembra aver fatto importanti passi in avanti, anche su impulso degli obblighi assunti dall’Italia a livello internazionale.

04 Dec - 10 Dec 2023

TraumAkörper - Video

Videoinstallation in deutscher Sprache mit englischen Untertiteln, am Campus Brixen, 2. Stock, Open Space

05 Dec 2023 14:00-16:00

Us women: Art-based Engagement Ethnography for social change

Giada Avi will go in detail about how she made use of a so-called “Art-based Engagement Ethnography” in two of her projects.

06 Dec 2023 16:00-18:00

Häusliche Gewalt – Hinsehen, Hinhören, Handeln

Ein Vortrag des Frauenhausdienstes Brixen in deutscher Sprache.

07 Dec 2023 09:30-11:30

Gewalt als Männlichkeitsressource

Über die Geschlechtslogik männlichen Gewalthandelns und Möglichkeiten ihrer Beendigung.