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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Clarice Cloutier

Event Series Alumni Talks: unibz alumni will report on their entry into the job market

Event type Online Event

Location Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments Career Service

Contact Career Service

23 Apr 2024 18:00-19:00

Alumni Talks: From unibz to North America with Clarice Cloutier

Clarice Cloutier attended the Professional Bachelor in Wood Engineering (in 2022) and the 1st level Master in Fire Safety Engineering (in 2023) at unibz.

Event Series Alumni Talks: unibz alumni will report on their entry into the job market

Event type Online Event

Location Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments Career Service

Contact Career Service

Clarice has actively engaged in university governance and student life serving as the Students' Representative in the University Council and the Faculty of Science and Technology Students' Representative. She also contributed to the SCUB community.

In her professional capacity, Clarice worked as a Business Developer at MTC Solutions in Vancouver, Canada, liaising with engineering firms and managing events. Previously, she managed Rothoschool at ROTHOBLAAS srl, organizing courses and seminars for wood sector professionals and overseeing project management aspects. 


  • Timber Tales: My Journey at Rothoblaas
  • Living the Maple Leaf Dream: Work and Life in Canada
  • Empowering Engineering: Women's Perspectives and Contributions