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Departments Career Service

16 Feb 2022 12:00-13:00

Getting to know Europe: Margherita Tolotto - European Environmental Bureau

Work and internships in the context of the European Union

Departments Career Service

Many students and graduates aspire to an internship or a career in the context of the European Union. However, it is not always easy to find one’s way around and find the right path to one’s goal.
In order to find out more about how to work in the EU and what the opportunities are for students, graduates and young professionals, a second series of monthly online meetings dedicated to different professional profiles will beheld starting from January 2022.
The guests will go through their daily work, the educational and professional path that led them to Brussels and give first-hand advice.
Unibz students and graduates will have the opportunity to get to know the various professionals with years of experience and become acquainted with their modus operandi.

Programme 2022:

-      16.02.22 Margherita Tolotto, Senior Policy Advisor - European Environmental Buro

-      16.03.22 Manuel Marsilio - General Manager, Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry

The meetings will take place on MS. Teams on the above-mentioned days, from 12.15 to 13.15.

You can register for the next event (16.02.22) by clicking here


The events are organized by the Career Service in collaboration with the unibz office in Brussels.
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