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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

LocationRoom BX A0.50, Regensburger Allee 16 - Viale Ratisbona, 16, 39042 Brixen-Bressanone

Departments Press and Events

Contact Prof. Giorgio Bolondi

23 Aug - 28 Aug 2021


LocationRoom BX A0.50, Regensburger Allee 16 - Viale Ratisbona, 16, 39042 Brixen-Bressanone

Departments Press and Events

Contact Prof. Giorgio Bolondi

The UNIBZ, ERME Board and YERME are happy to invite PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and master students in mathematics education and others entering mathematics education research to take part in the Eleventh YERME Summer School (YESS11).

In line with the ERME Manifesto, the aims of the Summer School are:
• to let people from different countries meet and establish a friendly and cooperative style of work in the field of mathematics education research;
• to let people compare and integrate their preparation in the field of mathematics education research in a peer discussion climate with the help of highly qualified experts from various research areas;
• to let people present their research ideas, theoretical thoughts, methodological approaches or problems, and preliminary research results, in order to get suggestions (from other participants and experts) about possible developments, different perspectives, etc. and open the way to possible connections with nearby research projects and co-operation with researchers in other countries.

Further information and registration to the summer school YESS are available on the event website.

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