LocationRoom BX A2.34, Regensburger Allee 16 - Viale Ratisbona, 16, 39042 Brixen-Bressanone
Departments Press and Events
Contact Prof. Franz Comploi / Alexandra Piasecki - T. 346 3972404
Franz.Comploi@unibz.it; APiasecki@unibz.it
11 Oct - 12 Oct 2018
International Conference "Classical Music and Music Education"
Reconsider the meaning of classical music for music education and students’ lives and further examine new ways of music education in amulticultural context.
LocationRoom BX A2.34, Regensburger Allee 16 - Viale Ratisbona, 16, 39042 Brixen-Bressanone
Departments Press and Events
Contact Prof. Franz Comploi / Alexandra Piasecki - T. 346 3972404
Franz.Comploi@unibz.it; APiasecki@unibz.it