Lifelong learning is what we experience everyday following the developments in society and technology. Nowadays, being able to learn, process novelties and incorporate them in everyday life is essential. unibz is there for you, with many initiatives and open doors.
It is a general knowledge interdisciplinary study programme open to the public. It offers different courses each semester and classes start after 5pm to enable workers to join too. The real challenge is for teachers!
At unibz you become a senior student at 60. Being a senior student allows those who are aged 60 and over to attend a wide range of university modules freely with other students in our university. That's if you want to be a student again!
Academic knowledge explained to children: the ivory tower becomes a Lego tower, with our teachers trying to explain their research to children and teenagers aged 6 to 14.
In this section you will find the course descriptions and timetables as well as information about mandatory courses and exams.