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Freie Universität Bozen

Night Shift - The night of the never-written thesis

Night Shift - The night of the never-written thesis

November 05, 2014 Bozen-Bolzano

In collaboration with sh.asus, Career service and the Schreibzentrum-Centro di scrittura e di Comunicazione verbale of the Free University of Bolzano.

17.00 Catalogue and more (Sabine Schmidt, Ingvild Unterpertinger)

Atrium - Tipps und Tricks rund um die Recherche im Bibliothekskatalog: Come cercare e trovare letteratura per la tesi. Non trovato quello che vi serve? Then we show you how to use additional services like ebooks on request, suggestions, interlibrary loan or document delivery
17.30 Was muss ich zitieren, was darf ich kopieren? (Monica Kostner, Ilaria Miceli)

Atrium - Un corretto trattamento delle fonti e una impeccabile redazione delle citazioni aumenta la qualità del nostro lavoro scientifico. Jeder Gedanke, der nicht von einem selbst kommt, muss kenntlich gemacht werden. An konkreten Beispielen wird ein Einblick über den formal richtigen Umgang mit Quellen gegeben.
17.30 PPP – Prämien, Praktika, Postgraduate services & more (Evelyn Angerer, Praktika- und Jobservice)

A 215 - In diesem Kurzreferat gibt es wichtige Informationen zu den Serviceleistungen des Praktika- und Jobservice für die Studien- bzw. die Berufskarriere.
18.00 Citation management software (Ilaria Miceli)

Atrium - For those who are interested in automatically compiling a reference list and managing information and study materials. Through this presentation, you will learn the basic functionalities of several “personal bibliographic management software”, such as Refworks, Endnote, Citavi.
18.30 Tutto (o quasi) sulla Tesi di laurea / Nessuna formula magica, ma tanti consigli anti-panic (Marzia Bonfanti)

A 215 - Il centro di scrittura propone un breve incontro in cui verranno dati consigli su come impostare la tesi di laurea, argomentare correttamente le proprie idee, migliorare le proprie abilità di scrittura accademica.
18.30 TurnitIn (Kai Becker, Gerda Winkler)

A 218 - Turnitin is a programme that allows you to see quickly and easily whether a piece of academic work contains words or texts of others without correct referencing.

Registration required at until 2 p.m. of 5.11.2014.
19.00 Datenbanken – kurz und prägnant (David Gebhardi)

Atrium - Die Universitätsbibliothek bietet über eine eigene Datenbankliste Zugriff auf eine große Anzahl wissenschaftlicher Datenbanken. Wir zeigen, wo sich die Datenbanken finden lassen, was man unter einer einfachen Suche und was unter einer erweiterten Suche versteht, und welche Anzeigeoptionen es gibt.
19:30 Money, money, money … (Laura Speicher, sh-asus)

A 215 - Preise, Förderungen und weitere Möglichkeiten, die Abschlussarbeit zu verwerten. Wie lässt sich die Abschlussarbeit in Bargeld, Auszeichnungen oder in eine Visitenkarte für spätere Lebenswege umwandeln? Wir zeigen mögliche Perspektiven! (ca. 30 Min.)
20:00 Basics & tools for empirical data collection (Kai Becker)

Atrium - This short introduction provides you with a guideline and useful tools for collecting (survey) data for your bachelor/master thesis or your course work. We outline the main technical steps when planning your data collection and show you a selection of web-based tools for implementing your survey.
20:30 Smart drugs (Liam Trott, sh-asus)

Atrium - An introductory look into the use of cognitive enhancers to improve study performance. Prevalence, ethics and risks regarding student drugs.
21:00 Catalogue and more (Sabine Schmidt, Ingvild Unterpertinger)

A 217 - Tipps und Tricks rund um die Recherche im Bibliothekskatalog: Come cercare e trovare letteratura per la tesi. Non trovato quello che vi serve? Then we show you how to use additional services like ebooks on request, suggestions, interlibrary loan or document delivery.
21:30 Aikido (Ki-Aikido Bozen / sh-asus)

Atrium - Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet Ai-Ki-Do „der Weg (Do) der Harmonie (Ai) mit dem Universum (Ki)“. Aikido ist eine japanische Kampfkunst, in der es ausschließlich sehr harmonische Kampf-Techniken gibt, in denen der Gegner meist auf eine Kreisbahn geführt und schließlich durch einen Gelenkhebel zu Fall gebracht wird. Die Übungen finden in einer entspannten freundschaftlichen Atmosphäre statt, Wettbewerbe und freie Kämpfe gibt es nicht.
17.00 – 21.00 Biblioquiz @ Infodesk


Schreibberatung – Scrittura accademica – Academic Writing
Marzia Bonfanti (from 17.00 on)

Il centro di scrittura propone un breve incontro in cui verranno dati consigli su come impostare la tesi di laurea, argomentare correttamente le proprie idee, migliorare le proprie abilità di scrittura accademica.
Margit Oberhammer (from 19.00 on)

Das Schreibzentrum bietet Unterstützung bei akademischen Schreibprojekten auf unterschiedlichen Niveaus – von der Semesterarbeit bis zur Diplomarbeit.
Jemma Prior (from 18.00 on)

Slots of 15 minutes, which can be booked at the information desk. An opportunity to receive one-to-one help and advice on any aspect of written academic English, including help with specific terminology, academic style, citations and references. Advice can also be provided for other aspects of academic English including help with note-taking, preparation for presentations, writing abstracts and so on.


Consulting Services
Library Team

Do you need personal assistance? We can help you: Kai Becker, Bruno Gandolfi, David Gebhardi, Elena Grigolato, Ilaria Miceli, Eva Moser, Astrid Parteli, Alessandra Riggione, Sabine Schmidt, Ingvild Unterpertinger, Gerda Winkler
sh.asus | South Tyrolean student association

The sh.asus defines itself as an inter-ethnic association. The main task is to represent the students’ interests about student and social life. The sh.asus takes not only a stand on student topics and educational policies but also regarding cultural, social and socio-political issues.

Website sh.asus
Career service

Looking for an internship during your studies or your first job after graduation? The Career Service will inform you on issues concerning internships and the first steps for your first job.

Website Career service


Lost in your thesis…?
There’s help available! Psychological counselling for students.
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