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Freie Universität Bozen

Researcher Vanessa Macchia from the Faculty of Education

unibz news

Inclusive Education: a research project on its governance

How does inclusive education work, and what are the best practices already existing in several European countries? A new EU-project started a multilevel analysis of international governance structures and strategies.

“We received the European commission’s support for implementing a project that sees nine institutes from Austria, Germany, Spain and Italy involved”,

summarizes Vanessa Macchia, researcher at the Faculty of Education in Brixen-Bressanone, the ongoing project.

“The Erasmus+ project GovInEd (Governance inclusive Education) aims to explore how and why coordination or implementation does or does not work in all levels of the governance system (multi-level-analyses of governance) and to gain knowledge and expertise that can be shared through professionalization of stakeholders on governance of inclusive education.”

In South Tyrol there is, besides the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, also the Autonomous Province involved, more specifically the “Deutsche Bildungsdirektion”. The project focuses on network analyses and involvement of all relevant actors and stakeholders in the context of inclusive education transformation processes and ongoing reform efforts in the participating countries Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain; it should come to a conclusion in December 2024.

The international research group will develop a curriculum or module for training and professionalization called "Governance of inclusive Education/International" to enable students to gain insights into the policy and governance level of educational systems in different countries. Furthermore, there should be built a barrier-free web-based e-Learning and information platform providing AI-supported access to materials.

Lead partner is the PH Steiermark, partners are the Bildungsdirektion Steiermark, for Germany Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Universität Leipzig and Staatliches Schulamt Tübingen, for Spain Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona and Departament D'educació-Generalitat de Catalunya and for Italy Free University of Bozen-Bolzano together with the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano.

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