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Freie Universität Bozen

From left: Ali Bataleblu and the conference organizing team during the award ceremony
From left: Ali Bataleblu and the conference organizing team during the award ceremony

ENG Faculty Research unibz news

ICQIS 2024. Young Scientist Award goes to unibz researcher

Ali Bataleblu has won the award at the International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability 2024 in Lisbon.

Ali Bataleblu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair for Sustainable Manufacturing at NOI Techpark in Bruneck-Brunico, led by Prof. Erwin Rauch. Bataleblu’s award-winning research, titled “Sustainable Manufacturing Design Decomposition Based on Axiomatic Design Theory”, is part of a project called “SFDD - Sustainable Factory Design Decomposition”.

This project - funded by the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano - focuses on Systems Engineering and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) application for Sustainable Manufacturing from a System of Systems perspective. The research involves collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and Prof. David Cochran from Purdue University (USA), who also co-authors the winning paper.

The award, given by the ICQIS Advisory Committee, recognizes the best paper presented by young researchers during the conference. The annual event fosters the dissemination of knowledge and the exchange of best practices in the fields of Quality, Innovation, and Sustainability.

The award ceremony featured Ali Bataleblu alongside the conference organizing team, marking a significant milestone in his career and highlighting the excellence of the research conducted at NOI Techpark and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.


