Title des Forschungsprojektes: ADaptive software VERBosity
CUP: I54I19001050005
Tätigkeitsbeschreibung des/der gelegentlichen Mitarbeiter/s/in:
Research on tools approaches to implement code augmentation for the Java language.
More specifically:
• Designing a flexible software solution for the implementation of an IDE plugin for code augmentation in Java.
• Implementing a prototype that implements the proposed design as a plugin for an existing java IDE (preference IntelliJ).
• Implement code augmentation scenarios to be added as part of the implemented plugin.
• Modularization assessment to check the ability to easily add other code augmentation scenarios.
• Test of the solution in existing open-source projects
• Implementation of the software solution considering best practices in software development.
• Document the developed software to enable the maintenance by other in the future.
• Test and evaluate the implemented code augmentation scenarios.
Verantwortlicher: dr. Eduardo Martins Guerra