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Freie Universität Bozen


Titel des Forschungsprojektes: "Software Architecture Recommendation system built on DEsign Change History - SARDECH"

CUP: I56C18001090005

Tätigkeitsbeschreibung des/der gelegentlichen Mitarbeiter/s/in:
Wie Edge Computing die Schaffung digitaler Güter für Menschen ermöglicht, damit diese an der digitalen Wirtschaft teilnehmen können.
The goal of the project is to study how edge computing enables the creation of digital goods for ordinary people, allowing them to participate in digital economy.
In particular, the collaborator will investigate Commercial of the Shelf solutions in extreme and innovative scenarios like Satellite Avionics where the concept of Edge Computing can equip each node of the system with high autonomy and implement locally a first level of failure detection, isolation and recovery.
The usage of COTS components is expected to increase the remote node processing capability while still keeping manageable the economic budget.
Finally, the collaborator will help write a European research proposal on this topic also in collaboration with Leonardo IT, Italy.

Verantwortlicher: Prof. Barbara Russo
