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Freie Universität Bozen

Professor:innen auf Planstelle der 2. Ebene | Flexible Electronics

Niko Münzenrieder

Short bio

Niko Münzenrieder heads the Flexible Electronics Laboratory. Niko received a Dipl. Phys. degree in physics from the Technical University Munich in 2008, where he worked on vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes at the Walter Schottky Institute. In 2009, he joined the Electronics Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), were he received a Dr. sc. (PhD) degree in electrical engineering in 2014, and the ETH medal in 2015. From 2015 to 2019 he was a Lecturer, later Senior Lecturer in Sensor Technology at the University of Sussex. He joined the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in July 2019.


Labor für angewandte Physik in der Mechanik

42606 · Berufsbildender Bachelor in Holztechnik · DE


42605 · FIS/03 · Berufsbildender Bachelor in Holztechnik · DE

Physik II

42129 · FIS/01 · Bachelor in Industrie- und Maschineningenieurwesen · DE

Lesen Sie mehr über Niko Münzenrieder

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To the magazine


Niko is working on technologies for the realization of inorganic thin-film transistors and sensors on flexible substrates, integrated analog circuits for the front-end conditioning of sensors, novel materials for biocompatible, environmentally friendly and deformable electronic devices, as well as the seamless integration of sensor systems into everyday objects such as smart textiles.

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