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Freie Universität Bozen

Professor:innen auf Planstelle der 2. Ebene | Agile Software Development, Lean Startup

Xiaofeng Wang

Short bio

Xiaofeng Wang received her PhD from University of Bath, UK. Before joining Unibz, she worked in Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre as a postdoc. She has more than 10 years of experience in agile and lean software development research, both in academia and with industry, including several multiple-international corporates. She is actively publishing in both software engineering and information systems venues, including IEEE Software, Journal of Systems and Software, Information Systems Research, etc. She is also active in serving various conferences. She has experience in working on national and European projects.


Agile Software Development

76055 · INF/01 · Master in Software Engineering · EN

Entrepreneurial Software Engineering

76089 · INF/01 · Master in Software Engineering für Informationssysteme · EN

Software Project Management

76425 · INF/01 · Bachelor in Wirtschaftsinformatik · EN


- Software startups
- Agile and lean software development approaches
- Software innovation
- Human factors in software engineering

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