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Freie Universität Bozen

Professor:innen auf Planstelle der 1. Ebene | Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Antonella De Angeli

Short bio

Antonella holds a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Trieste (Italy) where she also completed a 2-year post-doctoral research in Applied Cognitive Psychology. After 4-year industrial experience at the Advanced Technology and Research group of NCR Ltd (UK) as senior HCI researcher, her academic career included the University of Manchester (2004-2007 School of Informatics Lecturer; 2007-2009 Manchester Business School Senior Lecturer), the University of Trento (2009-2018 Associate Professor) and the University of Lincoln (2015-2018 Professor of Human-Computer Interaction). Antonella has a track record of successful social innovation projects, including the H2020 PieNews (p.i) and Acanto projects, the MIUR Infanzia Digitales and Citta’ Educante, and the FP7 Servface. 


Human Computer Interaction

76095 · INF/01 · Master in Software Engineering · EN

Research Methods

71061 · INF/01 · Doktoratsstudium in Informatik · EN

Scientific Writing and Communication

76246 · M-FIL/02 · Bachelor in Informatik · EN

User Research

71079 · INF/01 · Doktoratsstudium in Informatik · EN

User Research and Ethics

95201 · Doktoratsstudium in Experimental Research through Design, Art and Technologies · EN

Lesen Sie mehr über Antonella De Angeli

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To the magazine


My research involves a Humanistic exploration of technology which brings the human to the forefront of design while grounding on the Renaissance emphasis on education as the key element for promoting civic participation and on participatory design as a way to promote democratic activism.