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Freie Universität Bozen

Professor:innen auf Planstelle der 2. Ebene | Linguistik

Alessandro Vietti

Short bio

I earned my PhD from the University of Pavia, where I acquired a background in theoretical linguistics and in sociolinguistics. Most of the research I do focuses on quantitative analysis of natural speech, with the aim of understanding phonetic variation and its implications for linguistic theory. I am interested in combining experimental methods with advanced quantitative analysis to model speech production and perception. After taking a tenured researcher position at the Free University of Bolzano I set up a laboratory of phonetics and I specialized in the ultrasound tongue imaging technique.


Einführung in die Linguistik

17318 · L-LIN/01 · Bachelor in Kommunikations- und Kulturwissenschaften · IT


17322 · L-LIN/01 · Bachelor in Kommunikations- und Kulturwissenschaften · IT

Wahlfächer (1. Studienjahr)

9002 · Doktoratsstudium in Linguistik · EN

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To the magazine


- experimental phonetics and laboratory phonology (articulatory phonetics and Ultrasound Tongue Imaging)
- sound variation and change (sociophonetics, exemplar theory)
- bilingual speech
- quantitative social networks analysis applied to sound variation