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Freie Universität Bozen

Forscher:innen mit Zeitvertrag | Financial Accounting

Sara Longo

Short bio

Sara Longo is Assistant Professor in Accounting. She obtained a Ph.D. in Accounting at the University of Padova after a visiting period at the Columbia University in the city of New York (USA). Her Phd dissertation is focused on the role played by the liquidity in the banking industry from both accounting and financial perspectives. Sara has been teaching “Intermediate Financial Accounting” (Bachelor in Economics and Management), "Business Model and Financial Statement Analysis for Banks” (Master in Accounting and Finance), "Empirical Finance - Mandatory vs Voluntary Disclosure" (Phd School in Economics, and Finance). Prior to the doctoral studies, she worked in the banking sector on matters involving antitrust, M&A, accounting and financial regulation. 


Betriebliche Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft

27345 · SECS-P/11 · Bachelor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Betriebsführung · EN

Neue Grenzen der Finanzintermediation und des Bankwesens (FIN III)

25457 · SECS-P/11 · Master in Accounting und Finanzwirtschaft · EN

Weiterführung zum externen Rechnungswesen

27335 · SECS-P/07 · Bachelor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Betriebsführung · EN

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Capital Markets - Banking - Corporate Sustainability - Corporate Governance


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