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Freie Universität Bozen

Professor:innen auf Planstelle der 1. Ebene | corporate finance, banking, fintech

Maurizio Murgia

Short bio

Maurizio Murgia is professor of finance and the Faculty Research Cluster Leader in Financial Markets and Regulation. He has been the Founding Faculty Dean from 2000 to 2005. His previous academic appointments have been at the City University of London and the University of Pavia in Italy. His research papers are published in the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Banking and Finance, Brooking-Wharton Papers in Financial Services and other international journals. Maurizio Murgia holds a Doctorate in Finance awarded from a Consortium of Italian Universities (Bergamo, Catholic Milan, LUISS and Modena) in a program jointly developed with Salomon Brothers Center for the Study of Financial Institutions at New York University.


Corporate Finance Theory

29107 · Doktoratsstudium in Economics and Finance · EN

Finanzmärkte & Institutionen für ÖS

27222 · SECS-P/11 · Bachelor in Ökonomie und Sozialwissenschaften · EN

Investitionsmanagement und Analyse der Performance von Portfolios (FIN III)

25409 · SECS-P/11 · Master in Accounting und Finanzwirtschaft · EN

LAB Financial Trading (FIN III)

25432 · Master in Accounting und Finanzwirtschaft · EN

Umstrukturierung, Fusion und Übernahme von Unternehmen (curr. LP, DCA)

25416 · SECS-P/09 · Master in Accounting und Finanzwirtschaft · EN

Umstrukturierung, Fusion und Übernahme von Unternehmen (FIN II) (curr. FIN)

25417 · SECS-P/09 · Master in Accounting und Finanzwirtschaft · EN


corporate finance, banking, fintech