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Freie Universität Bozen

Professor:innen auf Planstelle der 2. Ebene | Design practices, criticism and research

Gianluca Camillini

Short bio

Gianluca Camillini is an Italian designer, editor, educator and scholar in the field of communication design. 
After his MA and BA degree at ISIA Urbino (grade cum laude), he worked for several years for international agencies and clients (e.g. Armando Testa, La Biennale, FCA group).
Concurrently, he obtained a PhD in Typography and Communication Design from the University of Reading, UK.
He joined the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in 2013 and, in 2024, was appointed associate professor of visual communication at the Faculty of Design and Art, unibz.
From 2018 he has been the Director of Progetto grafico, international graphic design journal. 
Camillini combines teaching with practice, encompassing both design criticism and research. 


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97162A · ICAR/13 · Bachelor in Design und Künste - Studienzweig Design · IT

Visuelle Kommunikation

97161A · ICAR/13 · Bachelor in Design und Künste - Studienzweig Design · IT

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To the magazine


Design history, design research, design methodology, trans-media design, trans-media practices for communicating the territory and its cultural heritage, typography, graphic design and storytelling, art direction and branding, editorial and book design, typographical experimentations and publishing practices. 

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