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Freie Universität Bozen

StandortRoom BK A1.03, Universitätsplatz 1 - Piazzetta Dell'università, 1, 39031 Bruneck-Brunico

Dienststellen Press and Events

Kontakt Prof. Serena Volo

12 Dez 2022 11:00-12:00

Structuring Tourism Experiences

Research seminar - Cluster Tourism, Marketing and Regional Development

StandortRoom BK A1.03, Universitätsplatz 1 - Piazzetta Dell'università, 1, 39031 Bruneck-Brunico

Dienststellen Press and Events

Kontakt Prof. Serena Volo

The touristic experience is one of the most important andconsidered concept within

tourism research.  The presentation summarizes some ofthis research while focusing

on its underlying structure(s) and several implications fortourism management practices.
