Pietro Postacchini wins a students’ award at EUBCE 2023
Postacchini, a PhD student and member of the Bioenergy & Biofuels LAB team, was recently awarded one of the prizes for presenters at the 31st edition of the European Biomass Conference and E…
Postacchini, a PhD student and member of the Bioenergy & Biofuels LAB team, was recently awarded one of the prizes for presenters at the 31st edition of the European Biomass Conference and E…
Kooperation ist auch in Lehre und Forschung ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor. Eines der vielen Beispiele an der unibz: ein immer engerer Austausch mit der TU Graz.
Concli, Professor of Machine Design at the Faculty of Engineering, has recently been appointed as a Full Member of one of the oldest and largest scientific organizations in the world.
unibz's Board Game Design Course within the Studium Generale program: a thrilling fusion of Education and Gaming. Yesterday, the final event took place on the Bozen-Bolzano campus.
Das fast einjährige Entrepreneurship-Lab für Start-Ups der Freien Universität Bozen am NOI-Technologiepark geht erfolgreich zu Ende.
In the past few days, the final exams of the CyberChallenge.IT training program, a national cybersecurity training initiative for future professionals, took place. Yesterday, the top three s…
Giurista di fama internazionale e giudice emerito della Corte costituzionale, Sabino Cassese terrà una presentazione alla Facoltà di Economia giovedì 25 maggio. Ingresso libero.
Siglato oggi un accordo che offre a studenti e studentesse dei corsi di laurea in Economia e Management e in Accounting e Finanza (magistrale) la possibilità di svolgere un tirocinio legato …
As its first graduate, Veit Gufler finished the PhD program in Advanced Systems Engineering. For the last three years he has concentrated on the development of advanced and intelligent syste…
Il 1° Simposio scientifico sulla Spettroscopia NMR in Alto Adige ha inaugurato la nuova struttura di ricerca di unibz e Centro di Sperimentazione Laimburg. Presente il Premio Nobel per la Ch…