Tenured full professors | Research Centre for Knowledge and Data
Short bio
Diego Calvanese received a PhD from Sapienza University of Rome in 1996. He is the author of more than 400 refereed publications, including ones in the most prestigious international journals and conferences in Artificial Intelligence and Databases, with more than 38000 citations and an h-index of 79, according to Google Scholar. He has served in over 150 program committee roles for international events, and is/has been an associate editor of Artificial Intelligence and of JAIR. In 2012-2013 he has been a visiting researcher at TU Vienna as Pauli Fellow of the "Wolfgang Pauli Institute". He has been the program chair of PODS 2015 and KR 2020 and the general chair of ESSLLI 2016 and ESSLLI 2021, and he will be the program chair of IJCAI-ECAI-2026. He has been nominated EurAI Fellow in 2015 and ACM Fellow in 2019.
73056A · ING-INF/05 · Master in Computing for Data Science · EN
76209 · ING-INF/05 · Bachelor in Computer Science · DE
71061 · INF/01 · PhD Programme in Computer Science · EN
Discover more about Diego Calvanese
- Formalisms for knowledge representation and reasoning
- Ontology based data acces and integration
- Description logics
- Semantic Web
- Graph data management
- Data-aware process verification
- Service modeling and synthesis
- Conceptual modeling