unibz tra i vincitori del bando crescerAI
Il progetto “Ridurre gli sprechi, ottimizzare gli acquisti” è stato selezionato dal Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale - Impresa sociale e sostenuto da Google.org.
Il progetto “Ridurre gli sprechi, ottimizzare gli acquisti” è stato selezionato dal Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale - Impresa sociale e sostenuto da Google.org.
Prof. De Luca, who teaches at the Faculty of Economics, is one of the few professors based at an Italian university to have published research with Daron Acemoglu.
New PNAS Nexus by Prof. Elisabeth Gsottbauer study finds that menu re-design can cut food delivery emissions
Una ricca documentazione della mostra “AMONG THE INVISIBLE JOINS. Opere dalla Collezione Enea Righi”
HULK is the new electric, self-driving skyline crane with the potential to revolutionise the world of timber transport. The unibz FiRST Lab study was awarded at the IFIT 2024 Conference.
Professor Tonin ist einer von 17 italienischen Akademiker:innen im Komitee, das zur Verbreitung von Forschungsergebnissen zur Förderung der finanziellen Bildung beitragen soll.
Prof. Cacialli (Faculty of Engineering) has received the prestigious Highly Ranked Scholar award for the excellence of his research.
Giulia Cappello is a graduate of the Master Programme in Accounting and Finance. This is the story of her journey into the real estate business—a field she never imagined working in.
In Italien ist unibz Nummer Eins in der Kategorie „Internationale Ausrichtung“ und landet in der Gesamtbewertung auf Platz 14 von 57 bewerteten Universitäten.
Eine Tagung am Donnerstag, 17. Oktober, widmet sich den Reformen, die durch neue Verordnungen zu Steuern, Governance und Nachhaltigkeit vorgesehen sind. Die Anmeldung ist ab sofort möglich.