Merry Christmas
The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano will be closed during the festivities. We will be back on January 10th. The Fablab opens earlier on January 7th, 2022.
The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano will be closed during the festivities. We will be back on January 10th. The Fablab opens earlier on January 7th, 2022.
Together with partner universities, the Language Centre ran a virtual exchange during the 2020 lockdown to help unibz students collaborate with foreign peers to improve their English.
„Mit der einstimmigen Verabschiedung des so genannten Gender Equality Plan heute im Universitätsrat haben wir die Weichen für eine Sensibilisierung für Chancengleichheit in der gesamten Orga...
Sei studentesse dello Studium Generale hanno ottenuto i loro diplomi ieri. La piccola cerimonia si è tenuta nell’aula F6 “a un passo dal cielo”, come sottolineavano i responsabili del corso,...
#unibzcareers: In January Martina Bodner obtained a PhD at the Faculty of Science and Technology, started a SciComm Blog and just self-published her own science-themed coloring book for chil...
Cosa hanno in comune la scienza e il Natale? Su invito della Facoltà di Economia il prof. Massimiano Bucchi racconterà in data 17 dicembre storie di scienza ambientate a Natale – tra scoper...
Ein Plädoyer für eine vegane Lebensweise erwartet das Publikum der Ringvorlesung "Mensch und Tier - ein ambivalentes Verhältnis" am 14. Dezember. Zu Gast? Tierrechtsaktivist Gary Francione.
Are you a talented scientist who has produced excellent research work? So, the ERC grants could be for you. A seminar inside unibz shows how to undertake the ERC adventure.
Nei corridoio del campus di Bolzano da oggi, mercoledì 1 dicembre, saranno esposte le opere di Ugo La Pietra. È in assoluto il primo progetto espositivo del suo cinema sperimentale.
Was ist dran am Vorwurf, die Universitäten und speziell die wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultäten würden Wissen vermitteln, das an den Bedürfnissen der Unternehmen vorbeigeht?